Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms
Product that does the cutting in the sandblast process (the sand)
The highest point of a monument where the four sides are tapered together
Any continuous strip or section on a monument which can be raised, flat, recessed or carved
The lower part or parts of a multi-sectioned monument
Any sculpturing that projects minimally from the background
The flat, top portion of any monument base which is cut to fit the bottom (joint) for the die, or main part of the monument
Bevel Or Hickey Marker
A rectangular, angled or sloped-top marker
A term that describes the deepened color given to a monument by an abrasive used in sandblasting
Bottom Jointed
The bottom of the die, or main part of the monument, leveled and squared for final mounting on the base
Any marring of the surface of a stone caused by a blow; also called a stun
Applying the final touch to the stone’s polished surface
Any roof like outcropping, usually supported by columns
The top part of any pilaster or column
The process of shaping stone to the desired effect; includes sandblast, sculptural shape, line and hand carving
A beveled of tapered edge made by cutting away of square edge on a monument
A cut or recess in the stone, normally on the top or ends; a rabbet-shaped cutting
Small chips mar the edge of the stone
A vault with niches for urns containing ashes of the dead
An orderly arrangement of single of double columns on a monument
Any pillar consisting of a base, cylindrical or squared shaft and a capital or crown.
A curve matching the inner surface of a sphere
The opposite of Concave, any cut matching the outer surface of a sphere
Any low stone arrangement outlining the limits of a burial lot, also called a curbing
Cubical Content
Total number of cubic feet and inches in a piece of stone, cut or uncut
The placing of a stone curb or low enclosure around a cemetery burial lot
A sketch or picture of an artist’s concept of a specially designed monument
The primary body portion of any monument, large or small; also called “Tablet”
A pin designed to hold two joints of stone together
Drainage Holes
Openings drilled in any section of a monument of vase where it is necessary to carry off water
The amount of space between the highest and lowest of the bevel or other parts of a monument
Any inscription or text on a monument in memory of the person or persons interred there
A thermosetting resin used as a strong adhesive to permanently attach two items together
The drawing of scenes or portraits on memorials with a laser or diamond etcher
The front of any monument of the forward portion of a slant-face marker
Flat Carving
Any line carving on the surface of stone; also called “skin carving”
To remove the polish and leave a matte finish; also called “dust” or “skin:
Full Size Detail
A full size sketch of a monument of part of a monument, showing it exactly as it is to appear when finished
Gable Top
The roof-like top of any monument that is some times referred to as a “two-way top” or a “rooftop”
Gothic Top
The top of a monument that rounds gracefully to a peak on the exact center line
Gold Leaf
A thin layer of gold that is applied to the memorial usually to enhance the lettering or to accent a carving
Grass Marker
A small flat piece of stone set with or approximately with the level of the ground; also call a “flush marker”
High Relief
The opposite of Bas-Relief. In high relief, the projecting figures of carvings extend outward at least half as much as their circumference
Any surface where one piece of stone has been dressed and cut to fit another; usually designates the bottom of the main part of the monument
A memorial stone laid prone and covering all or most of the grave
A liquid that can be sprayed onto panels or carvings or into letters to enhance of change the natural contrast or color
The extremely outer portion of any stone piece, which is given a contrasting finish for effect; can be sawn, steeled, hammered, or polished
A headstone, that lies flat or flush in the ground
A building in which remains are buried or entombed
A structure that serves as a reminder of a specific event of person
Used in two ways: on monuments, it refers to any cut or additional stone projecting out beyond the main surface line. On slant markers, it can refer to
either top or front
Any tall, four sided spire that tapers to a pyramidal point
A double curve in the shape of an elongated “S”
Outline, Frosted
Letters formed by lines sandblasted on a finished surface. The letters are frosted and outlined with a recessed line around the letter
Oval Top
Any monument or marker with the top arched as a segment of a circle
Any monument or marker with the top arched as a segment of a circle
A base for any urn, statue, etc.
A column to support a structure
Pitching (Rock-Pitching)
The cutting or chipping away of rough stone to a predetermined and marked line
A stone slab or block, usually square or rectangular, upon which a pedestal, column, die, or statue is placed
Term used to describe the high gloss finish on a monument
Raised Band
A running, raises strip on a monument that often contains names and dates
Raised Letters
A style of lettering that accomplished by removing the area around the letter and making it raised from the surface
The projection of carvings from the flat surface of a monument
Any stone edge rounded like the outside of a circle
The process of tracing the lettering and design on the face of a monument by rubbing crayon over paper
A machine that mixes abrasive and air pressure in a controlled manner; used to carve and letter memorials
Shaping and carving stone to any predetermined form
Any surface or molding cut to resemble the S-like motion of a snake
Setting Compound
Used to form a seal between the die and base or other joints that must be sealed to keep water out; not an adhesive
Shell Rock
Rock pitching by removing large pieces of stone and leaving a shell-like appearance
Skin Carving
Any shallow carving on the skin or surface of a monument that is executed by removing the polish; has no depth
A marker with an extreme slant face with a nosing either at the top, bottom, or both
The surface of any stone that is gound with steel shot, resulting in a smooth unpolished matte finish; also called “dusting”
A sheet of rubber material affixed to the stone onto which the design has been transferred and then cut out to expose portions of the stone for sandblasting
The inventory of monuments held by a memorialist
The gradual decrease in thickness or width of a monument
Turned Work
Any circular-shaped memorial such as a vase
V-Sunk Letters
A style of lettering that uses a carver’s chisel to create the letter by cutting a “V” shape into the stone
Wash Or Drop Wash
A beveled surface making up the exposed portion of the upper edge of a monument base designed to assure water run-off
Stones extending outward from the main body of a monument